This pop quiz is brought to you by Jane Austen Film Adaptations Locations page at Sara Eastle Locations: the good folks who represent thousands of historic homes in England available for the next movie or television show that you are producing.
Visit the locations used in several Jane Austen movies and thousands more at their beautiful website.
A. The six actors in S&S '95 who were also in Harry Potter movies are...
Alan Rickman: Col. Christopher Brandon/Professor Severus Snape
Emma Thompson: Elinor Dashwood/Professor Sybil Trelawney
Robert Hardy: Sir John Middleton/Cornelius Fudge
Imelda Staunton: Charlotte Palmer nee Jennings/Dolores Umbridge
Gemma Jones: Mrs. Dashwood/Madame Pumfrey
Elizabeth Spriggs: Mrs. Jennings/Fat Lady
Great job to those who answered.
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