Saturday, July 31, 2010
Jane Austen Character Throwdown: First Sons
2008 Trendy Celebrity Hairstyles Fashion
Precision cut bobs are huge this year, coupled with smooth, sleek styling, a blunt fringe and heaps of shine. Your bob should be carefully crafted to accentuate your unique facial structure, or highlight a long, beautiful neck.
Bobs and Bangs or The Sexiest Hair Style of 2008
Going back to the trend, if your hair is a bit curly, your bob will have that fresh youthfor look. And if you’re feeling a little more groovy… incorporate a mod feel into your bob, just like gorgeous Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba did!
jessica biel short layered hair
jessica laba curly bob hairstyle
long curly hairstyles 2008
2008 straight blonde ahir style
Chanelle Hayes was one the celebrity who copied Victoria Beckham’s style. Now she has got new hair cuts Asymmetrical Long Bob Hairstyle..
Pretty celebrity Kim Kardashian has great black hair

medium ponytail hairstyle

side angled bob hairstyle

Long Hairstyle 2010 for Thick Hair

Friday, July 30, 2010
Georgette Heyer's Regency World by Jennifer Kloester: A Sneak Peek

"The middle class was growing fast in Regency England as increasing numbers of financiers, merchants and industrialists were added to the wealthy doctors, lawyers, engineers, higher clergy and farmers who, among others, comprised the upper ranks of the class. To be in the middle ranks of society usually meant ownership of some kind of property—land, livestock or tools—and the ability to earn a regular and reliable income. The number of servants employed in a house and the type of carriage(s) and number of horses one owned were also useful class indicators, although some among the new middle class, such as the affluent merchant Jonathan Chawleigh in A Civil Contract, tended to mistake opulence for elegance and an excess of food or finery as a sign of wealth and status. But the middle class was a very large and diverse group and it also included shopkeepers, teachers, builders, the lesser clergy, members of the government administration, clerks, innkeepers and even some of the servant class. Property was really the main factor that separated the lowest level of the middle class from the better- off among the labouring poor."
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Incorporated
Format: Paperback, 400pp
ISBN-13: 9781402241369
ISBN: 1402241364
Long Layered Hairstyles with Bangs

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Georgette Heyer Event Schedule at Austenprose
Sun Aug 01 Event intro, Werksman Interview, Review of Georgette Heyer’s Regency World on Jane Austen's World and Austenprose
Mon Aug 02 The Black Moth, Aarti – Books Lust; Powder and Patch, Lucy – Enchanted by Josephine
Wed Aug 04 These Old Shades, Keira – Love Romance Passion; The Masqueraders, Helen – She Reads Novels
Fri Aug 06 Devil's Cub, Meredith – Austenesque Reviews; The Convenient Marriage, Laurel – Austenprose
Sun Aug 08 Regency Buck, Susan Scott – Historical fiction author; The Talisman Ring, Ana – An Evening at Almack’s
Mon Aug 09 An Infamous Army, Elaine Simpson Long – Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover; The Spanish Bride, Kelly – Jane Austen Sequel Examiner
Wed Aug 11 The Corinthian, Danielle – A Work in Progress; Faro's Daughter, Joanna – Regency Romantic
Fri Aug 13 The Reluctant Widow, Jane Greensmith – Reading, Writing, Working, Playing; The Foundling, Claire – The Captive Reader
Sun Aug 15 Arabella, Kara Louise – Austenesque author; The Grand Sophy, Meg – Write Meg
Mon Aug 16 Interview with Vic – Jane Austen’s World; Friday's Child, Vic – Jane Austen’s World
Wed Aug 18 The Quiet Gentleman, Deb Barnum – Jane Austen in Vermont; Cotillion, Alexa Adams – First Impressions
Fri Aug 20 The Toll-Gate, Laura – Laura’s Review; Bath Tangle, Deb Barnum – Jane Austen in Vermont
Sun Aug 22 Sprig Muslin, Laura – Laura’s Reviews; April Lady, Becky Laney – Becky’s Book Reviews
Mon Aug 23 Sylvester, or the Wicked Uncle, Laurel Ann – Austenprose; Venetia, Laurel Ann – Austenprose
Wed Aug 25 The Unknown Ajax, Brooke – The Bluestocking Guide; A Civil Contract, Elaine Simpson Long – Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover
Fri Aug 27 The Nonesuch, Marie – Burton Review; False Colours, Kristen – BookNAround
Sun Aug 29 Frederica, Nicole – Linus’ Blanket; Black Sheep, Katherine – November’s Autumn
Mon Aug 30 Cousin Kate, Chris – Book-A-Rama; Charity Girl, Dana Huff – Much Madness is Divinest Sense
Tues Aug 31 Lady of Quality, Elizabeth Hanbury – Regency romance author; Heyer Vintage Covers
Event wrap-up
Sat Sep 07 Giveaway winners announced
And the contest winner is ...

Beautiful Short Hairstyles by Celebrity

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Extreme Hair Style Area| Design Celebrity box office Hair Style Area

Selena showed up for the show looking gorgeous in a black dress and nodded and smiled and laughed as the device talked for her. George Lopez gave Selena his questions before the taping, so she typed her answers into the machine prior to the appearance -- hilarity ensued.

The 17-year-old’s third album is due out soon and she admitted she won’t be following in Miley Cyrus’s footsteps and going for something more radical.
She said to E! Online: “I don’t think it’s going to change my image, not drastically. It’s going to be what you’re seeing of me right now. It’s going to be very Demi.” She added: “It’s more mature. It’s definitely grown up, but in a classy way.”
Extreme Hair Style Area| Design Celebrity Art Wedding Hair Style Area

"I think that in today's world you kind of have to be [sexy] -- to be competitive in the market. I think that she is doing it appropriately. And it's always a fine line there."
Tiffany appeared at Comic-Con with '80s rival Debbie Gibson. The two star together in an upcoming campy sci-flick called Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, which plays to their music rivalry. Gibson commented on Miley as well, but had a different take. She complimented Miley's vocal abilities, but said her new image is "a little too much too soon."

The 24-year-old actress - who has served a week of her sentence for violating the terms of her probation for a 2007 driving under the influence (DUI) charge - had hoped to be released this week due to prison overcrowding, but a jail spokesman has confirmed that will not happen.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department representative Steve Whitmore said: "She won't be released this week."
Her sentence has already been reduced to 88 days because of time she has previously spent in custody, but overcrowding at the Century Regional Correctional Facility in Lynwood, California, means she could still be released as early as August 1.
Meanwhile, Lindsay received a second visit from her mother Dina and sister Ali yesterday. The pair were not allowed to see the Mean Girls actress at the weekend as they had used up their visiting rights on her first day in prison last Wednesday, and so took the first opportunity they could to see her. A prison source said: "Lindsay might get visitors after the official visiting hours are over for the other inmates for security reasons. It's for the safety of everyone."
Lindsay's estranged father Michael has also reached out to some Hollywood stars to ask them to help his daughter "get her life back" after she completes her sentence and subsequent mandatory rehab period. He told Nashville radio station 107.5 The River:
Extreme Hair Style Area| Design Celebrity Hair Style Area

Cavallari told PeopleStyleWatch, "I'm designing a shoe for Shoe Dazzle right now, which is like a one time, one deal show which a portion of the proceeds [will] go to my charity 'OneKid OneWorld'. I'm excited about that because I want to have my own shoe line so it'll be like a good first shoe to get my feet wet with."

Jennifer has revealed on her blog: "Originally I was supposed to do a reality show with Heidi , but right now it looks like some things have changed."
She has denied the pair had a big fight and claims Heidi has simply changed her mind - saying she doesn't know if she "wants to be in a reality TV series at the moment with everything going on in her personal life".
She added: "No we are not in a fight and no Heidi is not 'dropping' me to do reality shows with the twins."
Heidi - who has had multiple plastic surgery procedures - had been rumoured to be planning a show with Hugh Hefner's ex-girlfriends, twins Kristina and Karissa Shannon.
The star had also talked about launching a music career after Heidi+Montag in Heidi and Spencer Pratt on the Set of 'Go With It'having the "best summer" of her life following her split from her husband Spencer Pratt. She has been working on a second album with Steve Morales - who has previously worked on records with Destiny's Child and Christina Aguilera.
Disappointed Jennifer, meanwhile, says her reality TV show is still going to air in January despite Heidi dropping out. She said: "Although I wanted to do this project with her, I also respect that she has a lot to deal with right now and have to decided to go ahead and move forward with it alone. My hope is that she will want to be involved later on."
Cute Short Blonde Hairstyle for Summer

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Georgette Heyer Celebration at Austenprose

Stylish, witty and historically accurate, novelist Georgette Heyer has been delighting readers with her romantic comedies for eighty-nine years. In honor of her birthday on August 16th, Austenprose.com www.austenprose.com will feature a month long event ‘Celebrating Georgette Heyer’ featuring thirty-four book reviews of her romance novels, guest blogs, interviews of Heyer enthusiast from the blog-o-sphere, academia and publishing and tons of great giveaways.
The festivities start August first with a review of the newly re-issued Georgette Heyer’s Regency World, by Jennifer Kloester. Don’t be a wet goose. Chase away that fit of the blue-devils by attending this bon ton affair.
Black hair style shelf and straight from Vanessa Hudgens

Monday, July 26, 2010
WATER ! ! ! ! ! in Jane Austen's Era

Water is integral to our very existence. Our bodies need water to stay alive. We need water to grow food. We cook mostly with water. Water can create energy and we need it for hygiene and for cleaning.
Oil, that creator of controversial issues, is running out. We need to cut down on carbon emissions because our climate is being irreparably damaged and water is going to be, is becoming, the most valuable commodity on our planet. Wars will be fought over it.
Here in Europe, as far as water goes, the Northern part of Europe is rich in water supplies. Climate change may well give us too much water. However, Southern Europe, the Mediterranean regions of Italy, Southern France, Spain, Greece and the North African countries are becoming more and more desertified. This means populations will want to migrate north to where the water is. This will cause pressures on populations and maybe even wars, civil wars, as people fight for land and water.
In 1809, Jane, with her mother, Cassandra and Martha Lloyd moved to Chawton. Claire Tomalin in her biography of Jane tells us that Edward, Jane’s brother, who was the owner of The Great House and many properties and much land in the area, had the cottage renovated and improved for his sisters and mother.

“ Before the ladies arrived, Edward had the plumbing renewed for them. This did not mean indoor sanitation, of course; some town houses had water closets by then – Henry’s and Eliza’s perhaps – but you did not expect the luxury of piped water in a country cottage. An improved pump at the back, and a better cess pit for the privy, well away from the house would be enough.”And, a new well was dug in the backyard.

In the backyard you can see the well with the bucket winched up to the top. It is a large zinc bucket which would have held a large quantity of water.It would have taken some strength to wind it up from the depths of the well and then be carried to the kitchen for it’s various uses.
How did the water get to the bottom of the well and what would it have been like?
Chawton is situated in mid Hampshire amongst the South Downs which consist of chalk. It is just north of the clay beds and gravel deposits of the southern part of Hampshire. Rainwater running off the ground, into streams and rivers and water seeping into the stratas of chalk, clay and gravel, which underlie the landscape of Hampshire, absorb the minerals from the ground it permeates. In Hampshire we say we have hard water. This is because a lot of chalk and other minerals are dissolved into it. This is not a bad thing and it could be argued that certain minerals are good for our bodies but it makes the water difficult to use. Cooking with it creates a lot of lime scale on utensils, which need to be cleaned, with difficulty. Lime scale is a hard calcareous deposit and can be almost like concrete. I know, I have to clean my electric kettle out every now and then.

Jane lived in a hard water area and so had to contend with the difficulties of hard water. Next week I will continue in this vein and discuss washing and personal hygiene.
Posted by Tony Grant, London Calling
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Christine Lakin with Braided Hairstyles Looks Sweet

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Jane Austen Regency Food Throwdown

Trendy Mohawk Hairstyle for Men

Friday, July 23, 2010
Pride and Sensibility: Now Here's a Jane Austen Mash Up that Would Interest Me

Actors from the Talisman Theatre in Kenilworth will be performing Pride and Sensibility - a combination of Jane Austen's two novels, Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility - only two days after seeing the script. Featured characters are Mr. Darcy, Lizzy Bennet, the Dashwood sisters and Wickham and Willoughby. Read more about the production in the above link.